Keith Olbermann Video Commentary…

I found these videos the other day…for those that watch television, Keith Olbermann might be familiar to you…but for me, a guy that hasn’t really watched TV much in the last decade, he was a new find. Say what you will, but he seems to be relatively informed (for a sports caster) and has a much appreciated command of the vernacular. Rest assured, just ’cause I like this guy all right, doesn’t mean I’ll rush right out and get me a TV antenna…no, online video works just fine for me.

In the first, titled “The Beginning of the End of America,” Keith addresses the Military Commissions Act rather eloquently…his scathing rant is well researched, filled with historical information and accurately portrays what this law actually represents. For people that disagree or think the “anti-terrorism” laws don’t apply to actual Americans, you need to go check out the laws yourself. It’s actually rather frightening to read the words on paper.


In the second, he puts Bill O’Reilly in his place…it’s probably one of the best commentaries I’ve ever seen done on him…I just absolutely love it. In this video, we are clearly shown O’Reilly’s blatant disregard for factual information and accurate reporting…he’s literally willing to misrepresent history in a very shameful manner. Keith also exposes the fact the Fox News has manipulated history by “rewriting” transcripts of O’Reilly’s show after the fact. Though this doesn’t come as any surprise to me, for anyone that might still have the slightest bit of faith in Fox news, it’s your wakeup call.



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