When one studies this paradigm and reviews the actions of political leaders from both sides of the fence, you find that the traditional concepts of liberalism or conservatism commonly manifest themselves quite differently than expected across both parties. This is heavily prevalent in the neoconservative/neoliberal factions that many Americans do not fully understand, but want to believe uphold their traditional values. To cite a brief example, we have neoliberals ushering in rampant corporatism that destroys the environment and the conservatives permitting excessive monetary expansion and ever increasing national debt. What was once black is now grey and what was white is now grey. We have seen the breakdown of the traditional measurements of conservatism or liberalism, and point in fact; there are so many “common denominators” that are creating what I’ve perceived to be a hegemonic single-party state.
We all know that what political leaders tell us during their election campaigns has little or nothing to do with what they will actually do when in office. Remember, these people are trying to appeal to as many people as possible; therefore they will “support” the sides that they believe will provide them the best chance of election. When it’s convenient to support something, they will do so…but as soon as that stance interferes with their election, we see our political leaders shuffling their ideologies to garner public support. I could cite hundreds of examples, but I think the people instinctively know this.
As President Bush’s approval numbers reach all time lows and the public lacks revere for the direction our country has taken, the “buzz” is all about the political revolution swinging back into leftist control. In recent elections, we have seen an overwhelming dominance of the Democratic Party as people cling to the idea that liberals will bring about “radical change” that will realign our nation. My statement to the world is that the “popular” Democratic hopefuls don’t have this kind of “radical change” in mind.
What we must understand, whether Republican, Democrat, Independant or whatever…there is a serious drive from neo-brand Republicrats to further corporate power, sell the people into financial slavery and otherwise threaten our sovereignty and well-being as a nation. We are headed towards a surveillance laden, fascist police state that will utterly destroy our freedom and civil liberties. For those that may not be looking at this in the right perspective, a police state and freedom are directly contradictory unless you’re thoroughly immersed in double think. This burgeoning police state is being implemented in the response to “terrorism” and other growing domestic threats, though one must logically ask…how does restricting American freedom result in less risk of international terrorism? Not just that, but if “terrorists hate our freedom,” giving it up means we’re letting “them” win.
It’s time we return to our Constitution, the document that made the
Once we do this, we will again remember what is important. Freedom is responsibility.