Idaho Observer Plug…

Patriot IdahoI was recently turned on to the “Idaho Observer,” a monthly rag that reports interesting and critical news that the mainstream fails to provide. After reading an issue, it was quickly apparent that I was the kind of reader for this kind of rag and so it was quickly decided that I would subscribe, if I was able. Well, it was no problem online…and relatively cheap too, compared to the weekly prints like American Free Press. AFP is another great rag, but I just don’t have time to read that plus everything else I read and do…not to mention work and insignificant chores.

At the top of each issue, there’s a boldly printed output of the most recent US national debt figures, and each American’s individual share conveniently calculated for them.  (A feature I wish the mainstream dailies would pick up.  Not gonna see it anytime soon, that’s for sure…not even on page G-14.) Anyway, the news is probably not for the average mainstream-fed consumer, but for a person with a flare for alternative thought, it’s a straight-up rag that’s paying attention.

Well, to make a long story short…usually a subscription to a rag is not something worthy of reporting on my blog…you’ll note I don’t report about my consumerism…what I have, what I bought and so on…unless it fills a purpose or relates to a specific subject.  It’s insignificant in most cases and bores me to death.

With that said, I ordered a two-year subscription, a cheap video and another cheap book…less than $60 total. Don Harkins, the editor of the Idaho Observer, quickly and carefully attended to my package. Not just that, but included in the package was a ton of extra info and un-ordered goodies. I could tell this was a place that operated on a passion, a passion to arm people with information. They went above and beyond and deserve recognition for excellent service and his dedicated cause. It’s rare for me to be overly satisfied…and even more rare to report it on my blog.

May those who know me or stumble across my page know that I recommend that everyone spend $25 for a year’s subscription. May ye be informed and enlightened.


Oh my…we’re doomed!

I know American’s are generally pretty ignorant, but this just takes the cake. I can’t believe these people are allowed to vote.


I propose that we take a state, say California, create Berlin-style wall (what country was that in again?) and lock all these people in to do whatever they will.


Ron Paul GOP Debate Highlights Video…


Ron Paul delivered a powerful performance in the recent GOP debate. This video contains some of the highlights.


9/11 Truth Movement & The Greatest Lie Ever Told

IlluminatiLet’s get this out of the way: I’m not generally a “conspiracy theorist” – I’m critically minded and have an insatiable appetite for information and truth. I’m both informed of current and historical events and have a decidedly alternative point of view, but also am not inclined to believe outlandish, unsubstantiated or unverifiable information. I do make mistakes, likely believe some incorrect information and admittedly, have not exhaustively chased down every possible fact, figure or point of view. No more so than the rest of us anyway…so…since we’re on the same page and all…

I’ve spent the last couple years immersed in the facts, figures, lies and theories regarding 9/11. I’ve performed countless research hours, read all the available official public documents, watched numerous video documentaries and have otherwise been on a quest to answer the question: Why did 9/11 happen? I’ve studied the what, who, how and where, all to seek the answer to the question of why. I’ve come to some startling conclusions and discovered alarming, widely reported facts. What I absolutely know is that I don’t know what exactly happened that day and there are more suspicious things, discrepancies and questionable logic strewn throughout the official reports than I could reasonably detail in anything less than a book. This clouds the issue of why and induces doubt as to the motives that have been officially observed.

Don't DiscussOur mass media has ignored or minimized this movement of people that seek to answer their questions. Truth seekers, regardless of the information they have discovered, are publicly ridiculed and denounced when they present information that contradicts official reports. They are labeled as traitors and conspiracy theorists, labels designed to immediately diffuse an opponent without actually engaging in discussion or debate of the issue at hand. Many hundreds of thousands of individuals are not satisfied with the government sponsored information because it reeks of a cover-up and fails to accurately address many specific and important issues. This is apparently not news worthy, or perhaps, the controlled mass media doesn’t want people to know?

All one has to do to raise internal suspicion is go on over to the Complete 9/11 Timeline and review the sections for 9/11 foreknowledge and warning signs. It becomes rather clear that this threat has been known for many years, significant enough warnings were heard to justify action, and that Bush’s cronies intentionally ignored the warnings that were received. Nothing was done, the American people were not alerted and no precautions were taken. This alone is enough for me to be angry. I watched Condoleezza Rice say there was no specific threat when quizzed about a top-secret White House Presidential briefing titled, “Bin Laden determined to attack in US.” There may have been “no specific threat,” but thanks to unparalleled incompetence, terrorists met no resistance because not even the slightest precaution was taken. Sure, hindsight is 20/20, but this is the government that we have tasked with protecting our interests and have provided immeasurable funding to do so.

Head In CannonI could go on for paragraph after paragraph relating to questionable statements, illogical conclusions, logical fallacies, perpetuated myths, false statements and suspicious evidence that were used to fabricate the “official” 9/11 story. I could detail conflicts of interest, bold-faced lies, contradictory information and countless items that create doubt with the official story. It’s not in my interest to do so because I’m not here to persuade anyone on what to believe. I’m here to inspire you to do your own research and get you to ask why. I’m here to alert you to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people, maybe more, are questioning the version of events we’ve been told that day.

Bottom line? The official explanation of, [Oops…I guess we fucked up.] and “Terrorists hate our freedom” just don’t cut it for me. If even ten percent of what the 9/11 Truth movement has uncovered is true, we’re in some serious trouble and we have been blatantly lied to.

I know that it’s a painful issue and that most would rather just put that fateful day behind us. If you struggle to grasp your current reality and give no regard to history, I suggest you just keep on trying to grasp now because until you understand how history is relevant to now, you cannot be helped. It is essential that we truly understand history so we can avoid being doomed to repeat it as well as being doomed by it.

Perhaps when I get the time, I will write an article detailing what I see as the most critical issues of 9/11. In the meantime, however, I have a challenge for you. I ask that you watch three video documentaries. After watching these three videos, I dare you to seriously go on believing the official story blindly without question. If you don’t like to watch video on your computer, you can purchase the DVD’s online or can rent them through Netflix or other movie rental service. Without further delay:

Chances are, after watching these, you will see many of the important questions surrounding 9/11. You may even be inspired to do more research and see what other information is out there. I would also encourage you to look into information that debunks the alternative theories as well as the responses to such debunking, so that you may be completely informed. Beware of logical fallacies, strawmen, doublethink and subversive propaganda in your travels – it’s prevalent everywhere. If this is of interest, here are some links to get you started. I do not necessarily endorse the viewpoints of any of these sites…but they do provide many independent thoughts and analysis of varying credibility.

That should be enough to get you started. I really would like to see this movement go mainstream – not because it represents any specific ideals, but rather that at it’s core, it recognizes that it is important to understand history and that to honor the victims, we must know the unadulterated truth. It embodies a desire for truth, accountability and proper research…the beginning of what could be the most important movement in our history.


America & the Left/Right Paradigm

For some time now, America has been stuck in the left/right political paradigm we call by names such as “conservative” and “liberal” or “Democrat” and “Republican.” Many are so biased in these restrictive mentalities that they fail to see the larger issue – the hegemony created by such a paradigm allows the perception of “political revolution” when the vote of the people commands a political shift. There is little doubt that this coming Presidential election will follow the same perceived revolution. If one understands the term “revolution” properly, you will understand when I say that we will end up right where we began, or more appropriately, where we are now and where we are going.

They LiveWhen one studies this paradigm and reviews the actions of political leaders from both sides of the fence, you find that the traditional concepts of liberalism or conservatism commonly manifest themselves quite differently than expected across both parties. This is heavily prevalent in the neoconservative/neoliberal factions that many Americans do not fully understand, but want to believe uphold their traditional values. To cite a brief example, we have neoliberals ushering in rampant corporatism that destroys the environment and the conservatives permitting excessive monetary expansion and ever increasing national debt. What was once black is now grey and what was white is now grey. We have seen the breakdown of the traditional measurements of conservatism or liberalism, and point in fact; there are so many “common denominators” that are creating what I’ve perceived to be a hegemonic single-party state.

Stuck in a political paradigm that’s been sold to us since birth, we’re still accepting the media manipulation and people pleaser buzzwords as the promise for society. Well, I don’t, but chances are, you probably do.

We all know that what political leaders tell us during their election campaigns has little or nothing to do with what they will actually do when in office. Remember, these people are trying to appeal to as many people as possible; therefore they will “support” the sides that they believe will provide them the best chance of election. When it’s convenient to support something, they will do so…but as soon as that stance interferes with their election, we see our political leaders shuffling their ideologies to garner public support. I could cite hundreds of examples, but I think the people instinctively know this.

As President Bush’s approval numbers reach all time lows and the public lacks revere for the direction our country has taken, the “buzz” is all about the political revolution swinging back into leftist control. In recent elections, we have seen an overwhelming dominance of the Democratic Party as people cling to the idea that liberals will bring about “radical change” that will realign our nation. My statement to the world is that the “popular” Democratic hopefuls don’t have this kind of “radical change” in mind.

The ScreamWhat we must understand, whether Republican, Democrat, Independant or whatever…there is a serious drive from neo-brand Republicrats to further corporate power, sell the people into financial slavery and otherwise threaten our sovereignty and well-being as a nation. We are headed towards a surveillance laden, fascist police state that will utterly destroy our freedom and civil liberties. For those that may not be looking at this in the right perspective, a police state and freedom are directly contradictory unless you’re thoroughly immersed in double think. This burgeoning police state is being implemented in the response to “terrorism” and other growing domestic threats, though one must logically ask…how does restricting American freedom result in less risk of international terrorism? Not just that, but if “terrorists hate our freedom,” giving it up means we’re letting “them” win.

It’s time we return to our Constitution, the document that made the U.S.A. great. At a time, we were a beacon for hope and promise. Now we’re a beacon for dominance and invasion, both foreign and domestic. The people of America are great people, but our leaders have gotten out of control. It is up to us, the people that created government, to realize our situation and become informed. From there, we must talk, network and organize to determine the best way we can rein in our government. It’s a tough road but the great leaders of 200 years ago saw it best: a limited government, minimum invasion, proper financial management and overall *freedom* that permits the people to decide what is best. The right to peaceably assemble, talk and think and then take action. We need to return to a government where the people lead, not corporations and politicians with a list of conflicts of interest a mile long.

Once we do this, we will again remember what is important. Freedom is responsibility.