Austin Cops Bust Indoor X-Mas Tree Grow Op

Barry Cooper, former Texas police officer, has made it his mission to expose the heavy handed tactics that police are using these days to fight the war on drugs.  There are quite a few cops that have seen the light and now oppose the incendiary and ineffective war on drugs.

It was fantastic.  They rented a house and set up a couple of Christmas trees under high powered lights, similar to those used in a marijuana grow operation.  And then they waited.  Sure enough, 24 hours later, the cops came busting in the door – only to find benign Christmas trees and a lawyer waiting for their arrival.

One question.  Where’s the probable cause??????

I can pretty confidently say that pine trees and marijuana do not smell at all similar.  Obviously if a cop had *seen* the plants, he would have rightly come to the conclusion that they do not look similar either.  Interestingly enough, the Austin cops are refusing to release the search affidavit – which, in this case, is clearly full of lies and false statements.  Just to be clear, lying to get a judge to sign a search warrant is highly illegal and is very dangerous to a free society.


For those that know me, you know that I support the libertarian viewpoint on drug legalization.  I say legalize ’em all.  The argument is very simple and has three major points.

First, for over 30 years, the war on drugs has done very little to actually reduce the amount of drugs on the streets.  Instead, it has caused prices to rise, further increasing the alure for young kids and law-dodging entrepreneurs to make huge sums of money.  The underlying effect has been to actually increase supply.  It’s been proven over and over, especially during the times of prohibition, that when a “popular” thing is made illegal, it does not go away and it concentrates the activity into less-than-desirable underground movements.

The second is that legalization would do nothing to increase usage.  I ask every pro-drug-war proponent this question:  “If drugs were legalized tomorrow, would YOU go out and start dropping heroin and meth?”  The answer is by and large no, and that truth stands for me as well.  Those who will experiment will experiment, regardless of what the law says.  The difference is that legalization would bring things out in the open, where dangers could be warned against at the time of sale.

The fundamental argument is whether we are allowed to put whatever we want into our bodies, so long as it does not harm others.  The problem of addiction is a health matter, not a criminal one.  Causing harm to others is all ready against the law – so things like hurting another person or driving under the influence are illegal regardless of the status of drug legalization.

In conclusion, I give my props to Barry Cooper and his group KopBusters for performing this little stunt.  The trap they laid was awesome and will hopefully go a long way to expose the police, judges and other parties that were involved in this.


Maryland Admits To Spying On Peaceful Groups

Are you on the terrorist list?  Think you’re not doing anything wrong and so you have nothing to worry about?  Well, as us watchdogs have been telling you for years, you don’t have to be doing anything wrong to be labeled as a terrorist in America these days.

I read this article from the LA Times this morning and it just further confirms that we must remain vigilantly on guard against being tossed down the path of being a “homegrown terrorist.”  Even if you’re a nun.

Spying on pacifists, environmentalists and nuns

Reporting from Takoma Park, Md. — To friends in the protest movement, Lucy was an eager 20-something who attended their events and sent encouraging e-mails to support their causes.

Only one thing seemed strange.

[continue reading…]


Change & Obama’s Cabinet Appointments

I’ve been meaning to get the time to comment on Obama’s recent choices for his cabinet appointments.  Things are shaping up exactly how I thought they would.  The power circle will remain with the reigns of the “haves” that always have.

First, and probably foremost, we can’t ignore the Secretary of State position that has been offered and accepted to none other than Hillary Clinton.  While this makes some of those rabid leftist Clintonites happy, I’m sure…this is a very clear throwback to not-so-way back.  ‘Nuff said.

Next in the line up, Eric Holder…appointed to Attorney General…who’s history as #2 in the Clinton Justice department is another clear regression back to Clinton era politics.  Here we have a guy who advocated the pardoning of Marc Rich, an international commodities trader who was convicted of tax evasion and illegal oil-trading with Iran during the Iranian hostage crisis.  A man who clearly respects the law, I’m sure.

Then of course we have Biden’s Chief of Staff, Ronald Klain who served as Al Gore’s Chief of Staff.  You starting to see a pattern here yet?  Klain also acted as one of Fannie Mae’s political lobbyists.  Nothing says “insider” like a reprise act…this “change” is starting to look like margarine vs. bovine growth hormone infused butter.

John Podesta, head of Obama’s presidential transition team, served as Clinton’s chief of staff.  Mmmmm…margarine.  He’s also the CEO of the liberal think tank American Progress who ignorantly blames Bush for our economic woes, yet also promotes and advocates tax-payer bailouts.  Apparently they haven’t done any historical research and they believe that such things actually work.

Oh, and to fill the “change” out even further, we have Rahm Emanuel as Obama’s chief of staff, who conveniently served as one of Clinton’s advisers.  Next up, Greg Craig, who formerly represented Clinton in his many legal troubles.  We’re also going to see further former Clinton team members in Obama’s cabinet, such as William Daley, Carol Browner and Federico Pena.

It was once said that, “There’s nothing new under the sun.  There’s only history you haven’t learned yet.”  So true that is.


Results Of Drunkin’ Blogging…

Well, I don’t entirely hate myself from last night’s drunkin’ blogging debauchery.  I didn’t go and say something entirely stupid, so I guess I’ll keep it around.  Oh, that good old Jubelale…it’s like the beer equivalent of Jose Cuervo.  🙂

As to the future of drunkin’ blogging, I think it remains to be seen.  Overall, I think I prefer sober blogging – probably because it’s easier to find those keys and I find it better when I have clear subject in mind.  Last night’s effort was more like, “Wheeeee…let’s see what happens when you combine beer & blogs?!?!?!”

As for the rest of this morning…one word.  Coffee.

Sobered up Jeff….out.


Drunkin’ Blogging

What the hell.  I decided to give it a spin.  🙂

Under normal circumstances, I opt to not blog whilst intoxicated – but it occurred to me that I had never done it before.  So, why not give it a whirl.  I have a backspace, right?

I’m making a mix album at the moment, for reasons I will not specify.  Essentially, it’s a CD that compiles several songs that I feel describes a moment in my life.  At this time, I’m listening to it in it’s entirety to insure it suits the purpose for which it’s been created.  So far, so good.

I love winter time.  It’s the time of year where Deschutes Jubelale comes about and this years batch returns to it’s roots of the yummy pre-2006-era batches.  This years batch is particularly drinkable & festive – it warms the soul rather well.  I’ve enjoyed the recent six pack and have also discovered a venue that sports it on tap.  (Hard to do when you’re hundreds of miles from the brewery!!)

I hope it snows soon.  I’m feelin’ the need for winter and over the last several years, have become accustomed to significantly more active winterness than my hometown of Portland, OR.  I’ve come to love travelling around Montana this time of year, with the many snow-capped mountains we have here.

I love music.  It is my diffuser, my friend, my lifelong companion.

End of drunkin’ blog post