Peter Schiff Schools CNBC

This kind of moment is pretty rare on US mainstream television.  Peter Schiff calls out the state of the economy how it is.  There is so much truth in this six and a half minutes that it’ll make your head spin.


Schiff’s been very accurate in his predictions over the last couple years.  As you’ll see below, he used to be ridiculed.  Now days, the tone has changed and people like Peter Schiff and Ron Paul have the MSM’s ear.  You’d do well to listen to him.



Ron Paul On Global Banker Summit

One of the greatest flaws of the modern American economy is that most Americans don’t understand it.  If the people readily understood it, there would be protests in the streets tomorrow.

Tomorrow is not as far off as it seems.

This coming weekend, I will be joining thousands of others across the country in the first ever nationwide organized protest of the Federal Reserve.  On November 22nd, at every Federal Reserve branch across the nation, individuals will rally against the fiat reserve currency system and the wealthy demons behind it.  Our purpose?  To educate and raise awareness to the Federal Reserve – the private entity to which Americans owe trillions of dollars to and those who rule us through money.

You can join us too…End the Fed is coming on 11/22 to a city near you!

If you’re so inclined, check out this recent video from Ron Paul on the results of the recent international central banker meeting.  The things that are going on in the financial sectors today are some of the most pressing issues facing us today.  I suggest we heed Paul’s advice and admit our mistakes and accept reality as soon as possible.


And here’s the question Paul referred to in the video above.


And on a fantastic note, Ron Paul has not entirely ruled out running for President in 2012.  Spread the word!!!!  As for me, I hope to be campaigning again for Paul by the middle of next year.  With three years to prepare, I think we’d have a serious shot.


Entering Web 2.0

So, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve changed some things around on my blog.  The most notable is probably the theme that I’ve used.  I did a fair amount of research on the themes available and decided to give a “premium” ($$$) theme a spin.  I must say, I am truly impressed with the options you get when one decides to spend a little money on their blog.  This theme is called “Thesis” and is available here.

What attracted me in particular to this theme were two things.  First, I loved the visual layout of it…it’s clean, flexible and extensible well beyond the free templates out there.  Second, it now allows me to easily take advantage of WordPress widgets, fully allowing me to leverage “Web 2.0” features.

You might notice my new “Last.FM” plugin on the right which allows me to display my recently listened albums.  How kewl is that?  Very kewl, in my opinion.  And how about that featured video?  Excellent!   I’m currently investigating the options available to me, so you’ll be seeing some new things coming to my blog in coming months.  You should also see customizatons to the theme that will better suit my taste.

Overall, I hope you like the new look and features!


The State of Voter Fraud In America…

I’m not going to go on and say that this year’s presidential election results were in any way influenced by voter fraud.  I don’t have to.  To quote the best summation I’ve heard of Obama’s campaign, “The campaign he ran against the entrenched Clintons was one for the history books, and when the battle shifted to the final contest, his well-orchestrated efforts made the McCain campaign look like a high school production of Camille versus Obama’s Tony Award-winning Broadway version.”  Democrats could have gotten on the mic and sneezed and the American people would’ve voted for them.

It is more out my interest to educate people out there on what I feel are the core issues facing our country.  The issue of voter integrity is paramount, for, if we don’t have an election process that can be trusted and verified, the entire process of citizen rule is undermined.  This topic is probably too little, too late…considering we just had our election.  But, ongoing awareness certainly wouldn’t hurt anything.

I recently spent 36 minutes watching this video.  It is, hands down, the best documentary I’ve seen yet on voter fraud issues here in America.  This is an excellent way to spend 36 minutes of your life.


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The Next Step…

So, yeah, I’ve been quiet on here for a while.  Kind of a lot’s been going on lately.

First off, I’m sure some are interested in my take on the election.  Well…it is now known that Ron Paul will, in fact, not be our next president.  Instead, I’m seeing a euphoric and God awfully weird, manufactured messiahfest sweep across the nation.  I just hope these ignoramuses realize that if they want change, it’s the people that are actually going to change things.  I hope they’re prepared to make their chimp perform.  Sadly, I think the overwhelming majority of them think their vote is their highest civic duty and we’re going to see more of the same dressed up like “change” in the coming years.

Then again, we will likely be in for a bumpy ride here in the near future as we recoil from the effects of massive inflation caused by these serial bailouts, military occupations and seismic future obligations.  The way I see it, Obama’s going to be our escort into the New World Order.  Not exactly the kind of change I was looking for.

On a lighter note, my official home is now Missoula, Montana.  I made a decision to move here after being offered an opportunity to transfer within my company.  It’s a different world than Spokane, and I miss my many friends there…but a lot of things made sense about me moving to Montana.  Now that I live here, I can tell you it sucks and you would never want to live here.  😉

With that said, I’ve picked up my liberty and educational efforts here in my new state and have been actively participating in the Campaign For Liberty.  The new C4L site has proven to be a marvelous networking tool and could prove to be a game changer in coming years.  I’m just starting to get in touch with folks across the state, but this place is all ready starting to look like just as fertile ground for a statewide liberty coalition as Washington was.  There’s a lot of work that must be done to get there, though.

I’m conflicted about what else to write about…so, I guess I’ll call it a night and leave you with a video.
