O’Reilly’s Ass Handed To Him…

So, was cruising around YouTube the other night and this video caught my eye. I’m always game for any guest that Bill O’Reilly interviews that has the courage to throw it right back in his face. Here, we see Phil Donahue performing an anal-cranial extraction on my most-hated media pundit.

I’m no big fan of Phil Donahue…but I gotta say, I give him props for this one. Anyone that can go toe-to-toe with Bill the moron is at least semi-decent in my book.


I was particularly offended by O’Reilly’s stance that our country should be able to declare war upon whomever they choose without oversight and Congress can only “take action if they want to take action.” O’Reilly is an enemy of the Constitution. He might as well stand for treason.

Hope you enjoy! Remember, if you listen to this moron, I can’t help it if you become ignorant and stupid! O’Reilly’s bad for the brain.


How Democratic Representation Works…

Have you ever had a feeling that you pretty much had an idea of how something works, only to find out what you know is completely false? And sometimes the truth is just so far from where you thought it was that you just have to take a step back and say, “Oh my God.” This happens to me all the time.

I’ve discovered something beyond alarming…the voting process involved in the passage of legislature in America has been severely compromised. Where I thought there was order, there is chaos…where I believed in a modicum of integrity, there is ravaging dishonesty. The House of Representatives is a fraud. Our political leaders have allowed something to be that should never, ever (ever) be allowed. I am nearly on my knees as I’ve witnessed the collapse of America’s political constituency.

You need to watch this video:


This video is out of Texas…but implicates a much larger corruption. If it’s this common with Texas representatives…how could it not be going on anywhere else? It’s clear enough that I really need to know more about this.

I could hardly believe my eyes as CBS casually revealed the shattered reality of our Republic’s representation. I reeled as I realized the enormity of it, a massiveness of consequence that betrays almost every shred of respect I may have had for America’s legislative branch. A thousand colloquial “oh my fucking God’s” can’t even begin to express the detestable antipathy that this makes me feel. I can hardly manage to not string together dozens of sordid expletives and venomous word-spears to communicate my response. Let’s just leave it with a simple, “Damnit.”

How, I ask, can you have justice when there are 8 million laws that we can’t even confidently believe were actually voted in legitimately ? And to the lady that was complaining about not having bathroom breaks? Vote for some (we’ll understand, really…) and actually push the damn voting buttons for yourself. I simply don’t trust politicians (or anyone else, for that matter) to leave aside ulterior motives and honestly represent any other…not when there’s so much at stake.

I can’t say it enough…Ron Paul needs to be our next President.

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Welcome To America in 2007 Cont.

Last month I wrote up an article about a student being tazered by police for simply asking a question. I present you another video showing the exact same kind of abuse of power that we’re seeing today. In this case, we have a student that was using the campus library late at night and had forgotten his student ID card.

This actually happened back in 2006, I believe…but I must’ve missed it. Not watching TV or reading magazines or newpapers & always having to work for your info does have it’s drawbacks. I have to warn you…the video’s a little graphic. Not bloody graphic – just the graphic display of cops, hard at work, abusing their power of authority.


Instead of police just cuffing & bagging to diffuse a situation, which you can’t tell me two or nine cops couldn’t do, we’re seeing rampant abuse of power all over the place. Things like this are extreme cases, but on a much larger scale with much smaller impacts, police are advancing upon us like a professional military. Instead of justice being the goal, we have public displays of outright torture by police for things that aren’t even a crime. Learn to fear, America. That’s what they’re trying to ingrain into your minds.

What angers me about this is the police officer’s unwillingness to identify themselves. They are required, by law, to identify themselves, both as a police officer and a name or badge number when asked. That, and the fact that *while* tazering the guy, they were demanding he stand. I dunno if you’ve ever been tazered, but as someone that’s touched a 110V circuit inadvertently (errr, more than once), I believe the voltage those things put would be more the enough to make it difficult to stand. Police should never give an order while making it completely impossible to follow. That is abuse of power.

It’s almost like basic civil rights are not being taught in police academies these days. Their training is designed to override human decency and patience. The Constitution and ethical behavior is most certainly not being taught. A tazer, which is known to kill people (by the way), is capable of completely disabling a person…and in fact, is what it was designed for. We allow police to have these because A) we believe every problem isn’t best solved with a gun and B) there are situations where disabling a person (e.g. meth-head gone freakin’ bezerk) might be necessary. A person that is willing to leave on their own accord, after realizing the seriousness of the situation, and committed the “crime” of forgetting a piece of identification, does not classify a justifiable use of such non-lethal force, in my opinion.

All this over a forgotten ID, by a student, in a library. (Imagine that…I thought that was a *good* thing?) Sure, he resisted leaving (probably because he wanted to study) and it was escalated into a violent crescendo of tazering, physical roughhousing and impossible demands. Despite even being willing to leave on his own accord…why must police take things to this level? Of course this all erupted from one of those ingenious plans to protect you…a policy of random ID checks after a certain hour in the library…and a hard line stance against any violations. Nothing bad could ever come from such a thing…or could it?

Of course, if you watch COPS every night…you’re nearly immune to seeing abuse of power. Cops that do this kind of thing rightfully earn the disrespectful term of “pig” and honestly, I hope these cops have a special place reserved in hell. That’s all I have to say.


Ron Paul vs. Bill O’Reilly…You Decide

So, a question…who’s smarter: Bill O’Reilly, media swill and spinmaster, or Dr. Ron Paul, 10th term Congressman from Texas? Well, two things are clear: Bill O’Reilly is still a lying, ignorant idiot and Fox news still has an interest in brainwashing their viewers with fearmongering and lies.


In typical O’Reilly style, he ignorantly fumbles historical fact, rudely interrupts an *Honorable* Congressman, squirms like a tickled school girl when he must avoid confirming his guest’s accuracy, disrupts conversation about sensitive topics so they get no coverage and, worst of all, goes so far as to insult a US Congressman. O’Reilly says himself, “We don’t need a history lesson!” God forbid, it might teach him to have a little more respect for those that lead our nation. Bill, you’re not that good.

Ummm…just for anyone that’s not clear on the subject, the CIA did state that Iran was 10 years away from even possibly having a nuclear weapon and found no evidence of such a program in place. Apparently, Fox news has better sources that say the danger is more like 5 years. Who has more authority…the CIA or the “everybody says” that Fox News just conjured up?

Oh, and notice when Dr. Paul brings up that 50% of the suicide attackers are Saudi…O’Reilly wasn’t going to touch that one. Or the Pakistan reference. Subjects broiling with controversy…and a Google search will pretty much lay it all out for you…but O’Reilly won’t pause for you to think about it. Why can’t we talk about it, O’Reilly?

Just for the record, if O’Reilly told me I was living in Oz and treated me like that, I think I’d throw off my microphone, crawl over the desk and strangle the guy on air. I don’t know how his guests stay so composed when he gets like that. Dr. Paul’s a better man than I.

So you can see what happens when Ron Paul is interviewed by a reasonable host, you can view Bill Maher’s new hero here:


Remember…vote Ron Paul for President in 2008…and stop watching Fox News!


Welcome To America In 2007…

You didn’t think things like this were going to happen…but you can now be arrested and tazered by police for simply asking a question.

In utter disgust, I learned of an arrest and brutal treatment of a young man, by police, for redressing grievances to a public politician in a public venue. He was dragged away, against his will, thrown to the ground, handcuffed and then tazered by police. His crime? He asked some questions.

1984 - We're Behind ScheduleFreedom of speech is gone, America. Freedom to redress grievances is gone, too. Freedom from wrongful arrest has been polluted by a militaristic police state. The protections from tyranny provided by Habeas Corpus are just a faded memory. I get the feeling that most of you don’t really need those freedoms because you’re not doing anything wrong, right? Look around people. Things are wrong, more now than ever.

Don’t believe me? Here it is, straight from YouTube…and oh yeah, that’s kind of a prominent politician in the video. None other than Skull & Bonesman, John Kerry.


Thank God there was a woman who was aware enough to realize what was going on and came to the young man’s defense. That’s like one in a room full of 100. I’d have a complete feeling of disgust if nobody did anything. Especially after the near unanimous round of applause the American people gave just moments before police sent upwards of 800,000 volts through the guy’s body.

From what I understand, there are actually quite a few Americans that believe what happened here was right. I really wish they would go live somewhere else under a more suitable type of government, say Communist. I really just don’t see what was wrong here…a hard question? Has our sense of freedom really been so degraded that we can’t tolerate a question to a public politician in a public venue? The comparison I’ve heard made is that you wouldn’t want someone to come into your house and ask you such questions. Well, one…you’re likely not a public politician living in AMERICA and two, this was a public forum where the public was permitted to ask questions. If not here, then where?

There’s quite a few angles of the incident on YouTube available. Oh, and if you can’t digest any new information without it first being spinned/slanted by the media…you can see they (MSNBC, in this case) are reporting the same evidence and coming to nearly the same conclusion.


Of course, they had to spin the “disruptive behavior” piece, when in fact, had they not interrupted the man, it might have taken a minute or so to ask his three questions. What were his questions? Why, with all the evidence, did you concede the 2004 election so quickly? Are you a member of the skull and bones society? (Fact.) If you’re against going into Iran, why aren’t you calling for Bush’s impeachment before we can enter Iran? All good questions, in my opinion, that the American people should be entitled to know the answers to. Are these questions really enough to be arrested, charged with a crime and sentenced to a criminal record?

What are we going to do about this? Oh, wait…if you get tazered for just asking a goddamn question…what the fuck will they do if we stand up and fight for our rights? Better go back to being sheeple…