The Music of 9/11 Truth

I do have to tell you that now that Ron Paul’s presidential campaign is mostly over for me, at least for me here in Washington and my neighbors in Idaho, it’s nice to actually have spare time to dedicate to such frivolous things as blogging. 🙂 I’m still considering going to Minneapolis/St. Paul for the Republican National Convention for the Campaign for Liberty rally, but that’s dependent on whether someone can lock down some serious land space nearby for camping and a genuine Ron-Fest.

So, I was cruising the ‘net, getting informed, as I often do…and I found this little gem – a 9/11 truth music video, the first to my knowledge. Gotta say, it’s a little catchy…and considering I mostly detest disco and wish it would just go away forever, it’s been rolling through my head ever since I heard it. You can see my thoughts on the 9/11 truth movement here, if you’re interested.


Hope you enjoy it.


Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty

The last year and a half of my life has brought about great transformation. Where I used to be a philosophical pessimist bent on arm-chair quarterbacking an ineffective bitch fest, I am now a decided and battle tested foe in the war against American civil liberties, personal privacy and individual freedom. What brought about this change?

Ron Paul.

It was with mixed emotion that I learned of the Ron Paul presidential campaign coming to an official end. On one hand, I have invested so much of my time, blood, sweat and tears as a grassroots activist for his bid for Presidency, and I’m wondering what I can do now that it’s clear that America has made two bad choices. On the other hand, though, I realized quite some time ago that mainstream America was not READY for Ron Paul and that this effort was more about the message than the man or a Presidential seat. It is an effort to steer America off this path of certain financial ruin, to preserve the original intent of our country and to stave off hundreds of powerful elitists that want as much control over mankind as possible.

I have been concerned for some time that this movement of freedom fighters inspired by Ron Paul would fracture into thousands of pieces and eventually and irrevocably be lost until the next great conservative comes along. I was hoping that Ron Paul would steer us in a right direction – a channel to funnel our energy into effectual change based around the principles we love and cherish. Freedom. Peace. Prosperity.

As I have frequently found the case, he and I share consistent concerns. I am happy to announce that Dr. Paul has done it right, yet again. He has announced phase two of his campaign – a much broader and
longer term project – the Campaign for Liberty. Essentially, it is an advocacy group to educate and inform the public, promote our common principles and insure the retention of this amazing network of some of the smartest people in America. There is no doubt there’s something amazing about this group – within 24 hours of the announcement of this new phase, almost 42,000 supporters have joined the new campaign and it’s growing by the minute.  These are numbers that can seriously change things, especially if they are a group that is paying attention, dedicated to the cause, and can focus their energy on the same things at the same time.

If you haven’t done so all ready, please consider joining the campaign. As always, keep learning.

Here’s the official announcement from Ron Paul:



Hello World…

So it’s been forever since I’ve updated my blog. I’ve been busy…with a thousand things. Blogging has always taken a backseat to doing in my life…

I also have a bad habit of writing long posts – many of which I start and inevitably do not finish for one reason or another.

One of these days, maybe some time next month, I’m going to write a memoir post about the primary use of free time for the last six months. I have a thousand things to say, but this music video pretty much sums it up for me. I’m attending the Washington State Republican Convention next week as an elected delegate, as well as assisting the coordination of the statewide Ron Paul faction, and this perfectly timed tune is my anthem.


Aimee Allen – Ron Paul Anthem


The North American Union Conspiracy

Something has come to our attention in the US lately…a so-called Trans-National corridor and the formation of what could be called the North American Union (NAU). The mainstream media has largely debunked these ideas as irrelevant conspiracy theories; conjecture by unwarranted kooks. They say the trans-national corridor is simply a highway maintenance project and the NAU, simply unfathomable. Or at least this is what they’d like you to believe.

See, the mainstream media works on the principle that the majority of their viewers will not research the information presented to them…and though this may be true, to a certain degree, I believe we’re in a time where the media is losing their grip on the American people.

After Ron Paul, GOP Presidential candidate, was asked whether he believed in such “conspiracy theories” at the CNN/YouTube debate last month…I took note that many of the organizations involved in said projects changed their public websites and, in one swooping effort, made a point to sweep the idea that there could be a conspiracy under the rug. The word “conspiracy” has been marginalized in our society…it is not often used for it’s true intent; an organized effort towards a common goal. The mainstream media backed this up by running story after story of how kooky people were that believed these things.

Well, I for one am NOT a kook and I’ve seen substantial evidence supporting the existence of such “conspiracies”. This article is by no means a complete documentation of all the available research and you are, of course, encouraged to come to your own conclusions by doing your own research.

As far as the trans-national corridor, you need only watch Canadian television to discover it’s truth:


Ummmm…wait just a second. What was that? A mid-continent trade corridor, connecting trade markets throughout Canada, the US and Mexico??? Oh, wait, we all know how kooky those Manitoban Legislators are. Who would believe them? Oh, but then there’s the Canamex Corridor Coalition, essentially a lobbyist group for the project, that conveniently removed all mentions of NAFTA from their website after Ron Paul’s debate comments. Oh, wait, and then what’s this…a Mexican company, Cintra Concesiones de Infrastructuras de Transporte, S.A., will be collecting tolls from US citizens that use parts of the freeway?? Hmmmm…looks like there really is a conspiracy.

But what about a North American Union? Lou Dobbs, whom I suppose is a loon too, has reported about it a couple of times. You’d think something like this would be all over the newspapers and television news, but indeed, it wasn’t. Does the question, “Why?” come to mind? There’s a reason for that, too, but it’s outside the scope of this post.



The phrase “North American Union” is merely a phrase coined to describe similar principles by which the European Union was founded upon, only implemented in North America. It’s precise term is the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” and it’s a formal effort by the countries of North America to create a so-called partnership between the countries.

When one dives deep into the Security and Prosperity Partnership, we find some rather startling facts. While on the surface it might appear like a benign trade agreement…when you realize the scope of the plan and the meaning of their words, it becomes quite apparent that this is an alignment of commerce, military, legislation, regulation and policy. What concerns me most is that neither the Congress or the people voted on this agreement / alignment / union / whatever you call it…it was a private & secret agreement that has been forced down our throats.

The resistance to their plan has been so great, that they’ve taken it upon themselves to put together a myth vs. facts page (archive), where it reads like, “No there is no plan for a NAU,” “No, it won’t infringe on sovereignty,” “No there wasn’t an agreement signed,” no this, no that. It’s quite unimpressive to the inquisitive mind, really. Especially when a click away you can see their latest progress, which clearly shows a discrepancy over many of their supposed “facts” stated on their myths vs. facts page. It’s right out there in the open…an open conspiracy, if you will…that illuminates many additional interests other than just commerce involved in this partnership.

So, it would appear that Ron Paul and the other “kooks” that believe in the existence of this stuff aren’t so crazy after all. We’re just paying attention. I encourage you to look into these things…I believe these issues should be at the forefront of American discussion.


The Beginning of Financial Collapse…

Falling DollarWell, perhaps it’s not the beginning – but some news came out today that should cause each and every one of you to sit up and pay attention.

The US dollar slumped to an all-time low today – never before has the US dollar been worth less since it’s been independently tracked against foreign currencies in 1973. This could be the tipping point for our inevitable economic downward slide…with potential for a much larger magnitude than the economic crisis of the 1930’s.

Read about it on Bloomberg

If you’re not aware, the United States currently spends more than it makes and has to borrow money from foreign nations just to keep the lights on. Our government does this so they can print more money and spend that money into existence. Problem is, each time we create money, we devalue the currency that is all ready in circulation – it’s called inflation. This inflation has been occurring at an unprecedented rate over the last five years due to untempered spending in Washington.

Why the crisis? Well, two reasons. First, this devaluation impacts the desirabilty for investors to back the US dollar as better performing currencies will be a more likely choice for better returns. This means less people will invest in the US dollar, thereby decreasing the money we can create without out-of-control inflation, furthering our inability to pay our bills. Second, with the foreign investment dependence we currently suffer, foreign nations will favor stronger currencies than our faltering dollar. Countries like China have significant reserves of US currency – dumping these in favor of stronger currencies means our debt comes back to bite us like a rabid dog. These two things combined mean that people will start to transition their wealth into other currencies or precious metals, if they’re aware enough to do so. If this sustains and goes supernova, the US economy could come crashing down like a house of cards because of our reliance on these investors.

All I’m waiting for now is the first major bank to crash – at that point, we will have entered an irreversible trend that will catapult the economy towards the floor.  If you don’t think that can happen – you should be learning about the growing number of mortgage defaults, the worldwide housing market crash, imploding hedge funds and systemic risk.

Ron Paul Dollars...I’ve written about the investing into precious metals and I still advise it as the most sure bet of sustaining the hard times that could be ahead. Gold has rocketed past $800 per ounce, up hundreds of dollars from where it was even months ago. Silver, albeit a more volatile market than gold, has seen recent spikes upwards of 30% from where it was just few short months ago. These precious metals are also inclining at a faster pace against the US dollar than other currencies that are performing better, such as the Canadian dollar.

Speaking of the Canadian dollar, I wrote awhile ago about the Canadian dollar overtaking the US dollar in value. In just a few weeks, we’re now seeing that it’s nearly 8 cents over the dollar, or 8% higher. (Read another, US currency is worth 8% less) Further evidence of our rapid downward spiral. I did a comparison of the Canadian dollar and the US dollar against the Swiss Franc recently in order to prove the anomaly wasn’t just the Canadian dollar performing better than average. The Swiss Franc is widely regarded as one of the most stable, unwavering currencies in the world and is therefore a good choice for comparison of inflationary effects. The graphs showed that, yes, the Canadian dollar was doing better…but by far, the US dollar was declining at a much more rapid pace.

Anyhow…that’s what I have to say for now. Pretty serious stuff, I know…but you need to pay attention to it because it WILL ultimately affect you. If you want to know what you can do, look at who I support – Ron Paul.